Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rediscovering Tremont

I don't really have much to post about. Its just been regular life since I got home. Plus that transitioning time. You'd think that with all of the traveling I do I'd be great at transitioning. But I think I'm getting worse at it. What the heck.

I ran this morning, and when I do that without my iPod I usually end up stomping out a chorus of whatever I've been listening to lately. It helps me regulate my breathing and sets a nice steady pace. Today I sang over and over the chorus to one of Christofer Drew's songs "I've been to heaven, I've been to hell, I've been to Vegas and God knows where. But nothing feels like home like you babe. I love you more than you will ever know." It is maybe obviously secular, but I found some meaning in it on my run that the writer probably didn't intend.

As I sang it to myself I changed the lyrics slightly "I've been to heaven, I've been to hell, I've been to Vegas and You know where. But nothing feels like home like you God. I love you more than I will ever know."

Super cheesy, I know. But also super true in my life. There are so many places I've been that I can only share with God. So many experiences that I've had that only he knows and understands. He is the one consistency in my life. People drift in and out, and my family can't always go where I go. But He can. He is home. And by the gift of Jesus Christ I can love Him with everything I am, and with a love that I won't ever completely understand.

I haven't actually been to Vegas. But I've been a lot of other places and God was the same there as He is here. Its a beautiful thing.

Here are some shots from the home town. Its good to be back :)


  1. I'm not sure why I'm just now finding your blog but it was on the right day. I feel like I've been to hell and I know I've been to Vegas and I'm living in this moment knowing that I love experiencing God so much more and that it's in this place that I hope to stay for the rest of my days. At the same time, I know the devil will try to tear me from him so I pray that I will be prepared and that even in the battle, I can live in God's arms, covered in his love and at peace that whatever this world dishes out, I've got a wonderful future with God planned out for me.
