Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Blog...

Hey, I'm an English Major.
I write a lot.
Some of it is quality.
A lot of it will never make it out of my head.
-or out of my journal.
But whatever I deem decent I've "published" on another blog.
It is private
-because like most everyone who writes anything I'm paranoid about someone stealing my stuff.
If you are interested in checking it out email me or leave a comment with your email address, and I can send you an invite.
If no one is interested I will not be offended.

Here's a picture of some of my favorite things. Earl Grey tea and those awesome croissant things - because I couldn't find a picture of me writing. Imagine that.


  1. I would love to read your other blog. And I promise not to steal. I'm a bit paranoid about that too.

  2. I trust you :)

    I believe you should have permission now. just go to and it will ask you to login using your email address.

  3. I know you are going to be so surprised to learn that I can't figure this out. I think you might be using the wrong email. I have a different email for my google account. Don't even ask why, I got confused and the next thing I know I have a different email and I wonder Oh for cryin' in the heavenly nights, "how de heck did this happen?" Anyway try
    Hey jgjbmj? wasn't that one of our java passwords? I'm so original I shock myself.

  4. Karol, I miss you saying oh for crying in the heavenly nights.

    Sent you a real invite now :) and yes that was definitely a password at java.

  5. A. those croissant things remind me of Slovakia and that van we took everywhere. B. I would like to read some of your writing if I am trustworthy enough. I promise not to steal.
