I'm trying to blog because I feel like I have things to say, but nothing is coming out right. We'll just hit the highlights and see how that goes.
I'm in two writing classes and I write two poems a week. A little crazy, but so fun.
Here's one I wrote for the Intro. class I have to take. We had to use a phone number, and each number represented the number of syllables in the line.
Before then
I'll turn up that Jimmy Eats World song.
So loud my eardrums burst and run down
like tears
dripping to my toes.
I'll smear it in the carpet
and not bother to clean it.
Then I'll buy my ticket.
I made so many new friends during orientation week (I was one of the leaders of the transfer group). It was so fun, and so worth it! Since I live in an apartment I wanted to do something that would keep me connected to the campus.
I'm babysitting two days a week and on date nights for a family in the city. They are the sweetest people! I get to ride my bike there, and tonight they made me supper :) And the more I am with them the more I realize how perfectly God orchestrated this. So cool!
I LOVE living with my roommates. We have the best times together. Here are some pics in the park:

I've already had several small opportunities to talk about my faith with people, and I am praying for more. I memorized 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 to remind me not to lose hope: "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up agains the knowledge of Go, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
I'm also going to try to memorize all of Romans this year. Yikes! Help keep me accountable.
A very good friend of mine from Romania is working in Texas right now and told me that she is going to fly home from Chicago so that she can see me. I'm so excited!
I guess that is about all for now. I'll try to make the next post more coherent.
Hello from Germany!
Pat-a-pats!!!!! Oh my gosh! You just made my day :) lets skype soon. we can get lily and brenda too. it will be a reunion! we might even wear sweaters :)