One final down, one and a half to go. I say half because one is a paper that I will be writing this afternoon and I feel like that can't really count as a full final.
I am ready to be home. Ready to see my beautiful family. Ready to help with the Christmas baking. Ready to hug my stupid Cooper. Ready to be back in the country. Though I have enjoyed living in the city - it is exciting and bustling - I know that I will never really be a city girl. I need my fields and my solitude too much. I'm ready for a nice dose of that.
One thing that I am looking forward to almost above everything else, however, is plunking down on the couch with my family, all the lights off except for the Christmas tree, and watching Rick Steve's European Christmas. I discovered it two years ago and have watched it ever since. (yeah, I know that is only two years, but every tradition has to start somewhere). It is magical. And I can't wait.
So, in honor of Rick, I'm wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! I'll be home soon :)
i can't wait!!!!!!